We then enjoyed a wonderful Scottish soft serve ice cream cone with a flake!
It was a perfect Scottish day.
Audra on the bike.
Alex took this series of photos....the little bugger.
We picked up Uncle Harry and Aunt Isabol and had them over for a great fish super. We laughed so much and had a great time catching up.
Grandpa teaching Alex bad habits.
Alex tried some of Bud's haggis. He was told by his Great Uncle Harry that is is now "officially Scottish". We then looked at Cameron...it was his turn to try it. He was not excited about it.
If you were wondering, for the record, I tried haggis several years ago when I was here in the 80's.
Alex winding down at the end of the day with Grandpa.
Tomorrow we are shopping and exploring Ayr and Troon. We may go to Glasgow and take a tour bus. We will see.