Looking to the northwest, it was looking like it was to be a rainy day. Audra and I started south and enjoyed a great coastal drive. It rained on us just a little then the sky cleared up and it was a beautiful sunny day.
The shoreline is mostly rocky.
We stopped at this working farm that had a coffee house. Audra had to have pictures of the pigs.
Here are some thistles on the beach.
This thistle is so big. Look carefully at the size of the bee in the right photo.
Photos from Turnburry.
This is the sign you see when entering Girvan.
Since it was such a beautiful day and we had driven past so many golf courses AND I had a few hours to kill before dinner, I convinced Cameron to go and shoot 9 holes with me at the Seafield course http://www.golfsouthayrshire.com/ a couple of blocks away from the house.
It was great fun. Cameron and I got the cobwebs out of our game since we are playing 18 holes tomorrow with Uncle Joe.
Alex decided he wanted to swim in the ocean.
Local flowers around the neighborbood.
Bud and Alex playing soccer after dinner.
Alex and Cameron found this monster jellyfish on the beach at low tide while we were enjoying the sunset. The jellyfish was really creepy and looked like an alien.
Another beautiful sunset as the sun goes down behin the island of Arran in the Firth of Clyde.
Dinner reflection.
Audra, Sandy , Uncle Harry and Aunt Isabol.